Saturday, October 4, 2008

Japanese Whittening Cream

Faith .....

No matter in what way, whether it is religion, belief in yourself, to your family or friends. The faith affects my life very much. There are moments when I lose my fear of going the wrong way, to digress from the real life.
But at the last moment, I believe in myself and in God! No matter how bad it is one, we must never give up faith in! He keeps me strong, it keeps me alive!

" As long as one praises you think, just that you're not yet on your own path but on that of another. "

Monday, September 15, 2008

Feet & Toes Turning Black

Autumn ...

A special time
the sun shines,
the leaves fall,
heart full of satisfaction! drumrum
walks in the mantle,
bright colors,
the meadows full of rays,
in red, orange and yellow to see.
Man enjoys the air to the fullest, because the heart says yes to it.

What you should also lies
autumn come and us put a smile back!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wiring A Security Light

Enjoy the life ....

How do I spell it like this and try to live by it, which is not easy.
There are days that are beautiful and you think, man why do I always think so negative that life is beautiful! There are days when the ceiling falls on your head, stress, and you think, what all this! It is simply the art of the bad moment to get up and find new strength, it is simply too short to worry about it.
THOUGHTS , draw down of one, like a high! You have to find the middle ground and try not to think always negative, namely the so MUCH think ......

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mechanics License In Onatrio


am Yesterday evening I went with the car, I listened to music, looked out the window and thought how nice it really is, to be alive! The music, the darkness, the lights, the wind, the feeling! It was such a great feeling! Hard to put into words! One should really be thankful for the little things in life!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kidney Stones In The Urethra

containing any pictures ....

Tthink About Time .... Think about Life Think About You and .... LIVE

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Forum Milena D Metart

summer mood

Eeeendlich again such a beautiful warm day!
I was with friends on the Baltic Sea, enjoy the sun ...
It was a very nice week in my life, traveled a lot - even at night:-D - in the city, with friends and on the beach!!
A little souvenir ......

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Singel Rate Vs Married Rate

Thoughtful days ...

I got a little bit sick, because of that
was not a lot, I think a lot of time to ...
Have heard lots of music and read! I put a couple of times
songs in here,
have brought me much food for thought!
reminds me somehow of my beautiful, carefree childhood!
hm, I think it's just beautiful ...
this is very sad, especially when one has heartache ...
not like everybody, but I love it! It reminds me of the time with my father ...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Confirmation Volunteer Letter

nice weekend!

It was a wonderful weekend! Lots of sports made
feeds healthy met with friends, went swimming, sunbathing
what more could you want? :)
Today is Monday and I will not let a bad mood,
why the sun is shining, the birds are singing,
can eat an ice cream! This week, still eager to be active in sports
and then I was already the best
bikini figure * * juhuuu

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Can You Take Yaz For Emergency Contraceptive

juhuuu, I have new shoes!

After typical working day in office I have this evening the watched Sex in the City DVD from the glamor and suddenly got spontaneous desire to go buy my shoes. Accordingly, I am go to the mall near me and was even looking for, what not always the case, I actually am picky when shopping:) I'm really proud of my shoes, because you are like love on the first sight was!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Recommendation Letter For Hair Stylist

A dreamy shopping ...

Today I was again very active in sports, to the delight of my health!
the evening I had me the first time the wonderful romantic comedy "Breakfast at Tiffany's" single, which is now definitely one of my favorite movies .
Yes and then there was the shopping:) I am always of the sun am awakened, I bought a sleep mask, accordingly is the first test tonight.
I hope I can dream of good:)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lg Non Hd Channels Grainy

A sunny day!

Today I had a very nice day ..
I was walking to first on the lake and saw this
made nice picture:)

the evening I drove to my best friend, we have cooked

both tortellini and lasagna, it was yummy:)

During dinner we watched a movie "Blood Diamonds" starring Leonardo Dicaprio
. The story is set against the backdrop of the civil war in Sierra Leone. A very gripping film, I look to correct problems to because he is for true story goes and I am a compassionate man always like this: (
therefore only suitable for strong nerves, but nevertheless well worth seeing


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Brunswick In Homewood

Today again my beloved strawberry shake!

has almost become my daily ritual :-)
Low calorie, low cost and damn tasty !!!!!!!

The first time I tried it in Egypt, it was a dream
and since then I do not begrudge it to me!

The recipe:

* 6 strawberries

* 0.5 liters of milk a tablespoon of sugar

* put it in the blender and about 15 sec. mix, there should be a
few pieces of fruit left
And then it's time to enjoy !!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How Long Can An Ocular Migraine Last?

Quote of the day!

There is no great genius without a shot madness!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Trotter Treadmill Beeping?

Today is my first day!

Where can I write something purely :-)

My day today has taken me a bit.
started with getting up - with the parents something fell out - in the subway ticket control, - I am without identity - could still escape, and the work, where's my ceiling fell on my head. Very well, you once so ne day, after all, I have taken the resolution to eat healthier me, which works quite well .... Juhuuuu the summer!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Water Retention When Traveling In Caribean

reading session on "The seeds of Yokai" in the Fantasy forum

starts from today to a reading circle, reading in the course of the forum participants of our novel "The Seed of Yokai" and discuss. We even take it in part, that is where we like to answer questions of general or specific article, the reader round lasts one month, ie, by 15 6. For many participants, comments and questions we would be pleased.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why Is My Tap Water Pink

"the breath of the Ripper" as a radio play, and two new meetings

"the breath of the Ripper" is a radio play a small but fine label in the interview. Once the case is ripe, I'll give more details.
are also two new turn positive reviews the novel went online, this time by two inner critic. For the online magazine Fantasy Guide discussed Christel Scheja the thriller from my pen, and for Bookworm it was Eva Schuster .

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby Emerald Tree Boa Sale

reading at the 4th Fantasy Festival Flörsheim / Weilbach

All of a sudden we were invited to this year Fantasy Festival in Flörsheim / Weilbach what is with great honor! The exciting event will take place in 2008 for the fourth time. Last year, including Wolfgang Hohlbein and Kai Meyer among the readers, and the latter has promised for this year. The journey is worthwhile in any case, even if its not because of us coming ;-)
date is the 15th August 2008 .

Zodiac Boats Scottsdale

And another ripper Rezi ...

went Yesterday a meeting of "the breath of the Rippers" from the pen of diligent reviewers Florian Hilleberg at Literra online. Florian has published the recurrence in a slightly different form on Amazon and there ... ahem ... awarded five stars for the novel. I am honored.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hello Kitty Cake Ontario

"the breath of the Ripper" was released - just two meetings online

My novel "The Breath of Rippers" (ISBN 978-3-936742-90-9) is last week at the Atlantis-Verlag Guido Latz released and can be ordered at bookstores. Amazon link .

already twice met by well-known reviewers have gone online. Carsten Kuhr reviews the book for Fantasy News and gives four out of five stars. Very detailed and also positive is the review of Thomas Harbach for failed SF-Radio (where I all interested parties who want to lift tension for the novel, much of the reading of the Harbach-Rezi discourage would like - it shows the action in all important details. Spoiler Warning then!).

Monday, January 21, 2008

Produkcja Kasetonów świetlnych

reading on the Leizpig Book Fair

On 15th March 2008 at 13.30 clock I will read at the Book Fair Leizpig from my novel "The Seed of Yokai . Place is the Fantasy Island reading. I would be delighted if we could welcome many interested people there. Since it is my first reading, it will surely be a good opportunity to see me tremble with excitement ;-)

Template Daily Report Card

Further discussion of 'Carnacki the ghost inventor

By chance, I'm in the network to a further review of the translated by me "Carnacki the ghost inventor" of William Hope Hodgson encountered. Michael Drew discuss the story collection on extremely knowledgeable and gives those interested a lot with background information on authors and their works . This is a review of most worth reading for every friend of fantastic literature.