Thursday, June 5, 2008

Singel Rate Vs Married Rate

Thoughtful days ...

I got a little bit sick, because of that
was not a lot, I think a lot of time to ...
Have heard lots of music and read! I put a couple of times
songs in here,
have brought me much food for thought!
reminds me somehow of my beautiful, carefree childhood!
hm, I think it's just beautiful ...
this is very sad, especially when one has heartache ...
not like everybody, but I love it! It reminds me of the time with my father ...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Confirmation Volunteer Letter

nice weekend!

It was a wonderful weekend! Lots of sports made
feeds healthy met with friends, went swimming, sunbathing
what more could you want? :)
Today is Monday and I will not let a bad mood,
why the sun is shining, the birds are singing,
can eat an ice cream! This week, still eager to be active in sports
and then I was already the best
bikini figure * * juhuuu