Thursday, September 6, 2007

Baixar Sprite Game Maker Naruto

Book project: honeymoon in space

Today I logged on to Books on Demand a new book project. This is the novel "Honeymoon in Space by George Griffith which I have translated a few years ago and previously was only available as an eBook (of course in Verlag Peter Hopf ). In a few weeks of really unusual Schmöker entitled "Honeymoon in Space" will therefore be available in book form - the first time in German.
And what awaits the reader? A journey through the solar system , as has been imagined in 1900. By Planet Planet of the protagonists slip in a silver blimp, an English lord with his not at all fallen on the mouth, lovely American bride. They encounter bizarre life forms out there, deadly danger and of course ... itself
The novel is 172 pages and have cost € 14,50. Get more info here soon.


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