Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Places To Cruise For Gay Men

Sooo nice weather ...

and I thought, let's go one lap around the lake. And of course I have not forgotten the Cam; D

times I've ventured out of the car mode and have a bissel played around in Tv mode. I am beginning to think I get a feeling for it. Unfortunately, I do not know how to put the background out of focus. Is that possible? Menno. Does anyone oä tips.? Clipper with the Canon Powershot SX130 IS.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Looking For Dentist That Put Gold In

Dog Tired

Yesterday Gandhi was just dog tired. He slept on the sofa just like that. ; D

Metronidazole For Chest Infection

Yesterday's dinner: Ratta-Carne

This is a favorite Mampf the best husband of all - a cross between Ratatouille and chili con carne .

100 g of lard in a heavy cast iron pan let melt (high Casserole works also) chop

4 onions coarsely in lard fry
500 g mixed minced meat (or even beef) and fry crumbly.
mitsch 1 tablespoon chopped garlic tumors.
2-4 peppers into bite-size pieces cut and add.

Continue braising.

1 zucchini cut into cubes and mitsch tumors.
add 1 tablespoon coarse sea salt.
with black pepper (if desired Chili), oregano, basil, thyme and rosemary flavor.
3-4 tbsp tomato paste, stir briefly mitsch tumors.
If available, rough chop parsley mitsch tumors.
deglaze with 1 / 2 liters tomato slush from the glass bottle. (In the summer like fresh tomatoes)

Stir well, bring to a boil and let simmer for about 1 / 2 hour with the lid closed at its lowest setting. Stir occasionally.

Season with salt and pepper. The court is pretty stiff, not soupy. If you like, is still a dash of olive oil over it, or a dollop of crème fraiche on the plate. Freshly chopped parsley fits it.

The husband likes to eat a few spoonfuls of rice and I like it best. Unfortunately, I create only 1 plate full, but tastes for more.

For photos yesterday I was too hungry, because I travel all the Ta g son was on a shopping trip. Shoes, jeans and shirts are concerned had.

And by chance, we then also get into our post-market furniture .

There have attacked us two moose and then smuggled into my car.

As punishment, they were then hung in the hallway at the Wang:

is also delivered on Tuesday a shoe closet with wardrobe and mirror - our entrance area desperately needs a refresher ... The drawer on the old coat falls to us regularly on the feet ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cost Ofmaytag Performa

Lecture - Summary

So then I'll give of my lecture, D

Who? Michael Grewe
What? "The dogs, he probably brought up ...!" A lecture on the subject of dog training
Where? House score, Norddeich
When? 19:00 clock inlet, 19:30 Beginning
costs? 20.00 €

The name "Michael Grewe," told me before the talk but what, but I've been busy with him or his methods never more intense. I found on my research, aware of the principles and paradigms omitted, for which he works to be neutral and objective in this course can go. I did this, I've only experienced the lecture is co-founder of Canine Centre CANIS.

I was right on time at 18:00 of clock set off at home. I could already think I will have problems finding the venue. However, it was this time not found on the venue but more of a parking space. Then I arrived on time at 19:00 clock (normal arrival time would have been the same route clock 18:30) and still had such a free choice of seats.

on time at 19:30 of the clock began to talk then. As far as I remember correctly Michael Grewe started trying to talk about "fighting dogs" and the accompanying regulations. He told of the trigger / reason of the character tests and the meaning / meaninglessness. Then he defined dog training and distinguishes them from the training. He went to the sources of information regarding the dog training (breeder's Food Company, ...) and its credibility / utility one. He places special emphasis on explaining to us where to begin dog training, the skills required in man to dog training and the rules that the coexistence of man and dog is essential.

Michael Grewe we tried to carry on with his speech is clear, for the dog training is necessary, above all feeling. But still feel is not all. One must be as consistent and assertive have. It also goes not to read many books and control techniques to have a feel for it without. Without the dog would not take a serious, because I played so only the security and consistency. The notice of the dog. However you feel, then takes it, the whole appearance alters, and the dog realizes that it is serious and is able to represent his views and commands enforced. Michael Grewe is also of the opinion that one should educate dog without treats. Finally, the dog obey commands in any situation because he wants it himself and knows that he must, not because the dog gets to eat something and then it runs the risk because the dog can not hear without the prospect of treats would. If this is the case, however, should not you throw cotton balls to the dog then finally felt heard after decades. It should be clear to the dog clearly what is desired and what is not. Necessary even as he called it, by hand. Explains he has "hands" do not like the look or should. I have personally designed for me that one should not use the hand within the meaning of hitting or something else but, yes, what is wrong with low levels of physical violence that the dog does not hurt but he makes clear. (Note to cart me: I am not "Wattebäuschel 'Group; D)

Michael Grewe packed his talk with humor and compares the dog training often with parenting, it was a casual event. He never generalized gescherrt things or the same brush. He stressed that it is of course always exceptions, and it varies from case to case.

I found the speech entertaining. You could laugh and "think" something about the experience of the dogs. The basic idea and its approaches, I find it good. Some arguments I could be so signed without further notice. Took the view "work without treats" I find not so sparkling. I feed my dog like; D Of course, not everything should be rewarded with treats. And executed for each Command has not at all. To the dog, however, to make clear what I want from him, I think it's good to use and relief treats. I can recommend this lecture to anyone who wants to even discover a new perspective in terms of dog training, not a part of Wattebäuschelfraktion and want to spend a fun evening.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Funny Things To Write In Wedding Guest Book


Tonight I'm at a lecture by Michael Grewe about dog training. I'm curious what will go there as if to himself and what he says so; D

I hope I am not proceed on the way to the venue ^ ^

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Broken Ironing Board Lever

I've found her, D

For a long time I ask myself, where Sonja Zietlow off their chain added. The first time it is me in the dog pro (VIP) have noticed.

I hope you can see so well? Well, in any case, I have sought and found.
The is Flechtwerkstatt makes this chain by hand. Exclusively for Sonja Zietlow protective instincts project. A portion of the sale price going directly to these organizations. Just great: D

I ordered this necklace and receive prompt an E-mail so I could specify the size and color. Unfortunately, the delivery time is about 3 weeks, but I think I will survive it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Make Hovercraft Leaf Blower

dog beach

Again Today we were at my girlfriend dog beach. It was lousy cold and very windy. This also still cloudy. Ergo, the images have become, unfortunately, not the bringer -.- soo
But see for yourself:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hp F4180 Cartridge 56 Or 54

is a bovine ear but what fine; D

"jammi that tastes"

Friday, February 25, 2011

Japan Whitening Cream

Tetris with people in the church

Whether that's going so similar to the fat cells in my abdomen?

Colyte How Long Does It Last

After a long time

.... there is some news to report.

I've decided first make it to the end of April, a break with the man trailing. Gandhi may be (or we ourselves; D) fully prepare for the BGVP and will not unnecessarily confused. After we passed, I hope, it goes back into the solid, D

The cat food from the previous post, incidentally, was a success. He just stands on it.

Why Does Icecream Upset My Stomach?

My body today is very strange, weird, weird ...

Now that I've finally fallen below my Vorweihnachtsgewicht me today is somehow strange.

In the last severe weight loss phase, November / December, in my gut was only pretty fluffy (think a well-risen yeast dough prior to the sheet in which her pure pressed every few centimeters a finger dents, because since the same the melted butter to the sugar cake over it is), has then a Neuverteilungsprozess (were the dents from neighboring fat cells refilled) manifests, contracting the skin so that the buffing less well over the waist hung.

was then plateau for weeks (actually since Christmas) up with 2 kilos, 1 kilo down, 1.5 kg up, 2 kilos down, and so on. It further tightened the abdomen and the arms were thinner. No, not thinner, flabberiger. And for me it is a lot of skin on the upper arms to Rumflabbern. Or does that mean Fulubbern? Wall Abbern? No matter ...

yesterday Now it has taken a new Rappel and 1 pound of the old Mass has brought momentum and vanished in the universe. Today the balance remains even at the previous day's finally true result.

now to the current observation. Hhmmm. How do I explain this strange phenomenon?

Have you ever times those electric massage to get the orthopedic surgeons, where you were somewhere draufgepöppelt such suction cup and then came a feeling of ants, the muscles of your outer Fremdgestuert and has drummed for?

So what makes my stomach today all by itself. It tightens and lets loose again. Although I have to somehow influence. Is by no means unpleasant - no stomach rumbling or other Malae ... Whether you now want verstraffen the abdominal muscles? This rumflabbern my innards less loose in me?

The abdominal fat (visceral fat) is now expected to be less more than 1 year - 16 cm waist loss must indeed come from some where ...

Do you know something, too?

Bottled Rabbit How To

lunar calendar for March 2011

daily recommendations for your healthy life
first 31 March 2011

first March: Waning Moon in Capricorn
time for weeding and weed Plucking for painting, nail care

2 / 3 March: Waning Moon in Aquarius
time to clean windows, casting for painting, bad day for flowers, repotting

4th March: Waning moon in Pisces
time to wash laundry, watering flowers, washing windows, cutting in nail care, bad day for hair, shopping, canning, potting, 4 of fruit pruning

March, 21:47 clock: new moon

5 / 6 March: Waning moon in Pisces
time to wash clothes, Watering flowers, washing windows, cutting in nail care, bad day for hair, shopping, preservation, transplanting, pruning for fruit

7 / 8 March: Waning Moon in Aries
time for making preserves, shopping, skin care, bad day for painting

9th to 11. March: Waning Moon in Taurus
time for nail care

12th / 13 March: Waning Moon in Gemini
time for face care, bad day for watering flowers

14-15. March: Waxing Moon in Cancer
pour time to flower, cut bad day for hair, preserving, buying, renovating, wash clothes, clean windows, for tree and fruit tree cutting, painting

16-17. March: Waxing Moon in Leo
time to cut hair, plucking bad day for weeding and weed, renovation cleaning, windows, laundry,

18-19. March: Waning moon in Virgo
time to cut hair, plucking and weeding weeds, brush for nail care, washing paintwork Bad day for shopping, canning, laundry, windows

19th March, 19:11 clock: Full Moon

20-21. March: Waning Moon in Libra
time to clean windows, casting for painting, bad day for flowers

22-23. March: Waning moon in Scorpio
watering time for flowers, laundry, window cleaning, weeding and plucking weeds

24th to 26 March: Waning Moon in Sagittarius
time for shopping, preservation, pruning for fruit, bad day for nail care

27-28. March: Plucking Waxing Moon in Capricorn
time for weeding and weed, for painting, nail care

29-30. March: Waning Moon in Aquarius
time to clean windows, casting for painting, bad day for flowers, repotting

31st March: Waning moon in Pisces
time to wash laundry, watering flowers, washing windows, cutting in nail care, bad day for hair, shopping, preservation, transplanting, pruning for fruit

Source: FID Health

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can A Tenys Machine Help With My Heel Spur

CINEtologie now also with de

time has come. On the org follows the de ..
The CINEtologische dignitaries, the First Rank . de domain from the unintended reservation released, so the start- CINEtologe even this ending is now available now can make available for CINEtologischen blog.

This is CINEtologie now equal to achieve in three ways :
dare you to one of these paths and let you out of CINEtologischen motion carried away!

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criticism. Dschungelkind (02/17/2011)

Overall impression:
camera / lens

CINEtologisches Conclusion:

[... will be added promptly ...]

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criticism: Best Friends (02/04/2011)

Overall impression:
camera / lens

CINEtologisches Conclusion:

[... will be added promptly ...]