daily recommendations for your healthy life
first 31 March 2011
first March: Waning Moon in Capricorn
time for weeding and weed Plucking for painting, nail care
2 / 3 March: Waning Moon in Aquarius
time to clean windows, casting for painting, bad day for flowers, repotting
4th March: Waning moon in Pisces
time to wash laundry, watering flowers, washing windows, cutting in nail care, bad day for hair, shopping, canning, potting, 4 of fruit pruning
March, 21:47 clock: new moon
5 / 6 March: Waning moon in Pisces
time to wash clothes, Watering flowers, washing windows, cutting in nail care, bad day for hair, shopping, preservation, transplanting, pruning for fruit
7 / 8 March: Waning Moon in Aries
time for making preserves, shopping, skin care, bad day for painting
9th to 11. March: Waning Moon in Taurus
time for nail care
12th / 13 March: Waning Moon in Gemini
time for face care, bad day for watering flowers
14-15. March: Waxing Moon in Cancer
pour time to flower, cut bad day for hair, preserving, buying, renovating, wash clothes, clean windows, for tree and fruit tree cutting, painting
16-17. March: Waxing Moon in Leo
time to cut hair, plucking bad day for weeding and weed, renovation cleaning, windows, laundry,
18-19. March: Waning moon in Virgo
time to cut hair, plucking and weeding weeds, brush for nail care, washing paintwork Bad day for shopping, canning, laundry, windows
19th March, 19:11 clock: Full Moon
20-21. March: Waning Moon in Libra
time to clean windows, casting for painting, bad day for flowers
22-23. March: Waning moon in Scorpio
watering time for flowers, laundry, window cleaning, weeding and plucking weeds
24th to 26 March: Waning Moon in Sagittarius
time for shopping, preservation, pruning for fruit, bad day for nail care
27-28. March: Plucking Waxing Moon in Capricorn
time for weeding and weed, for painting, nail care
29-30. March: Waning Moon in Aquarius
time to clean windows, casting for painting, bad day for flowers, repotting
31st March: Waning moon in Pisces
time to wash laundry, watering flowers, washing windows, cutting in nail care, bad day for hair, shopping, preservation, transplanting, pruning for fruit
Source: FID Health
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