bitch collar
After.. Gandhi now has a huge collection of necklaces, also has my little kitty cat baby (which is no longer a baby anymore ; D) get a new collar. The selection, however, was the local Fressnapf very very very clear. I had to choose between light blue and baby pink. I chose TADAAAAAAAA:
in pink with rhinestones, which underlines their spoiled character perfectly ^ ^
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Stores Similar To Urban Outfitters Bedspreads
Shame on you!
Today I wanted the little "shame on you" teach. The "rules" sounded quite simply. Take a strip of tape and stick it to him on the nose. If he then used his paw to make it to strip, he is ashamed. And confirm this behavior accordingly.
Today's practice session was short, but unfortunately I had to swap the tape against a worn-Zopfgummi. The perfect thing it has hardly gejukt. Now we have training tomorrow, just to deepen and widen even further. I just hope he is also without Zopfgummi iwann ashamed.
Today I wanted the little "shame on you" teach. The "rules" sounded quite simply. Take a strip of tape and stick it to him on the nose. If he then used his paw to make it to strip, he is ashamed. And confirm this behavior accordingly.
Today's practice session was short, but unfortunately I had to swap the tape against a worn-Zopfgummi. The perfect thing it has hardly gejukt. Now we have training tomorrow, just to deepen and widen even further. I just hope he is also without Zopfgummi iwann ashamed.
Friday, January 28, 2011
How Many White Panadols Do I Take
plenty of sun
Today the sun has gescheint again. How wrong we were pleased us. Just great.
Today the sun has gescheint again. How wrong we were pleased us. Just great.
morning we visit the new dog place. I'm curious what's going on. And then refined to the dog beach. ; D
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Different Fonts Saying Diaper Raffel
Velveeta & Rotel & Pasta Recipes
recommends CINEtologie: "Hereafter - Life after" (release 27/01/2011)
The film Hereafter - Life after director and Oscar ® winner Clint Eastwood is on 27 January 2011, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Germany , a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH , German cinemas. The fantasy drama was exclusively on location in Paris, London, Hawaii and San Francisco and is in the category of Best Visual Effects nominated for an Oscar ® 2011th been entrusted -
With a lead role in HERE AFTER including Oscar ® winner Matt Damon (Invictus Good Will Hunting , Invictus) is. For The writer is distinguished the two-time Oscar ® nominee Peter Morgan ( Frost / Nixon , The Queen ) responsible. In the producers' list can be found next to Clint Eastwood and repeatedly nominated for an Oscar ® Kathleen Kennedy ( The Curious Case of Benjamin Button , Munich , ET - The Extra-Terrestrial ) also Steven Spielberg as one of the exporting producers. A proven team for Eastwood behind the camera, cinematographer Tom Stern, production designer James J. Murakami, the editors Joel Cox and Gary D. Roach, and costume designer Deborah Hopper.
CINEtologische Synopsis: In the center of
Hereafter - Life after is a direct confrontation with their own mortality. Three very different people - the American worker George (Matt Damon ), the French journalist Marie (Cécile de France ) and the English schoolboy Marcus ( Frankie George McLaren ) - embark on a quest for the truth, waiting at the junction with the shared belief in life after death fudamentale experience for them.
The founder CINEtologe advises anyone who is balanced, thanks to a local cinema programmatic has the opportunity to Hereafter - Life after to pay homage by cinema. He would do it even if the local cinematic circumstances would make it possible. Are you still just his deputies! Mathematics and (through the trailer mediated) Visualization promise in his eyes at any rate an interesting cinematic experience.
According you have currently in 142 cinemas in Germany the opportunity - use them!
Hereafter - Life after is a direct confrontation with their own mortality. Three very different people - the American worker George (Matt Damon ), the French journalist Marie (Cécile de France ) and the English schoolboy Marcus ( Frankie George McLaren ) - embark on a quest for the truth, waiting at the junction with the shared belief in life after death fudamentale experience for them.
The founder CINEtologe advises anyone who is balanced, thanks to a local cinema programmatic has the opportunity to Hereafter - Life after to pay homage by cinema. He would do it even if the local cinematic circumstances would make it possible. Are you still just his deputies! Mathematics and (through the trailer mediated) Visualization promise in his eyes at any rate an interesting cinematic experience.
According you have currently in 142 cinemas in Germany the opportunity - use them!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What Does Irs Do After A Business Closes
CINEtologie off with immediately org
The founder CINEtologe raises founded by him unalloyed to extraordinary critical authority in the local cinema with immediate effect to the rank of a special kind NPO (nonprofit organization) - over a . org domain .
This re. anisiert-org is CINEtologie after more than 3 years of existence in the blogosphere not - in the hope of convincing that the current status quo in terms of design and structure can - but a convenient access to Internet presence the appeal is likely that at least more benefit than harm.
Once the releases first CINEtologische dignitaries rank the corresponding . de domain from the (now) unintended reservation, will make start-CINEtologe also this ending for the CINEtologischen Blog available.
But now it's only once: Come in via and find out what CINEtologie 's about!
But now it's only once: Come in via and find out what CINEtologie 's about!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Ideas For A Homemade Sled
. From suspicion is certain: The 3D technology is entering the CineStar Neubrandenburg
screenshot of the website CineStar from Neubrandenburg 01.24.2011 at 19:23 clock |
I remember at this point do not necessarily like to think the blog post to the last price increase expressed suspicion
me because it forces itself on the not unreasonable suspicion that it forces a 3D Upgrades and they nearly half yearly to fund increases tried.
which is now confirmed for only three weeks:
On 27/01/2011 including the CineStar Neubrandenburg is with Tron in the "brave new world" of three-dimensionality . dive Ben Ansorge hat demnach verwirklicht, worauf er offensichtlich schon länger hingearbeitet hat. My congratulations - though with certain reservations, to understand - at that personal success!
One must however be clear: the short or medium term pay intensive Moviegoers or those who are overwhelmed by the 3D technology and incurable not feel intoxicated, this "progress" of CineStar Neubrandenburg with an equally progressive increase in prices .
[ Update:] After as of 01/26/2011 at 10:01 clock see the price lists of the CineStar Neubrandenburg as follows:
[ Update:] After as of 01/26/2011 at 10:01 clock see the price lists of the CineStar Neubrandenburg as follows:
screenshot of the price lists of the CineStar Neubrandenburg of 01/26/2011 at 10:01 clock |
In this sense I wish Mr. Ansorge the most entrepreneurial profit from the introduction of 3D on that then a rearrangement of the - also possible - losses to the regular admission price need not necessarily do.
PS: If after the death of Paul Krake still a local cinema to and its price specialized oracle is used - turn you trust the founder CINEtologen !
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Best Filling For A Leather Sofa
criticism: We are the night (22.01.2011)
Overall impression:
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
this thirst defeating not abstinence!
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Overall impression:
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
this thirst defeating not abstinence!
Speaking of abstinence: It seems to me that a little on the equipment saved, if I was the coarseness of the images on the screen from the top row of the stalls once have looked closer. Especially in scenes that were recorded in the (semi) dark, makes the very noticeable - and there are in a film that is the name We the night with, expected to be enough.
even more regrettable is when some really good effects (for example, the Glutpartikel the ritual burned to a vampire female) by poorly choreographed fight scenes (still more negative in memory: the showdown between elderly and - literally - very young vampire lady) to be qualified .
really positive as I can only assess the actresses constellation as a whole and also the respective individual performances of Karoline Herfurth , Nina Hoss and Jennifer Ulrich and Anna Fischer . The writer of the pampered luxury ladies who stand up for bloody emancipation (and less pimping) in the night, had a little more depth can be well tolerated. And a little less clumsy love origination.
I got an over-ambitious, unfortunately in camera technically deficient German film to an already more than fully drawn (just like this half-hearted play on words) Subject before the lens, I could not convince the actresses also. Too bad, Mr. Gansel , who but for such a great German films as Before the Fall - are Hitler's Elite or The wave responsible.
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Movie Jones : 7 / 10
NEGATIVE " Gansel visually quite impressive film is set to display values: good-looking actresses in beautiful backdrop. Technically perfectly realized, but he lacks the emotional depth. This is a fun Film, which might well be longer allowed. And hope it does not might have been the last German entry in the genre cinema "
film Go : ." After the many Schnulzeinlagen from author Stephanie Meyer's 'We are the night' once again a valuable contribution to the vampire genre . The film never stops too long in a scene, it avoids creating boring moments. Director Dennis Gansel holds the quality he has presented us with "The Wave", this mixed here with a touch of Hollywood popcorn feeling. Overseas, the German director could disappear soon, if he still delivers entertaining films of this kind. "
Can I Omit The Egg From Salmon Cakes
criticism: Devil (1/15/2011)
Overall impression:
writer ;
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
I have seen come and go just your fear and place.
CINEtologisches honorary member says:
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Overall impression:
writer ;
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
I have seen come and go just your fear and place.
The film's title could not have been clearer: The devil himself rages in the elevator and pulls a sinner after another out of life. Only the order and the backgrounds are still in the blind spot of elevator surveillance camera .
has for me a sense of anxiety as it should have a movie that plays mostly in the quasi-symbolic claustrophobic space of our civilization, but to offer, never set. At least that I expected from this prelude to the planned The Night Chronicles trilogy. The religious note is neither new nor has it been implemented particularly imaginative. This time I can not just blame the ailing writer Mr. Night Shyamalan . At least its production sharing but this is well paid.
The most innovative was the receipt of camera movement, which represents the city on its head.
has for me a sense of anxiety as it should have a movie that plays mostly in the quasi-symbolic claustrophobic space of our civilization, but to offer, never set. At least that I expected from this prelude to the planned The Night Chronicles trilogy. The religious note is neither new nor has it been implemented particularly imaginative. This time I can not just blame the ailing writer Mr. Night Shyamalan . At least its production sharing but this is well paid.
The most innovative was the receipt of camera movement, which represents the city on its head.
CINEtologisches honorary member says:
If there is a devil - there must be a God!
5 star
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
charles dexter ward : 8 / 10
Mrs. Flink value : 7 / 10
Jones Movie : 7 / 10 : 7 / 10
film Go : "'Devil' enough is certainly not the qualities of 'The Sixth Sense' approach, the film can be regarded as a well-functioning B-horror movie, which is constructed according to the old patterns of the genre.."
January In Mayan Symbols
Review: Love and Other Drugs - Side effects included (01.14.2011 )
Overall impression:
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
A bloody orgy - disguised as a medical congress!
CINEtologisches honorary member says:
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Overall impression:
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
A bloody orgy - disguised as a medical congress!
If Viagra and Parkinson's disease in a RomComDram : come together (for a romantic comedy drama own creation), then the script a tightrope between ambition and humor be overcome.
To perfect the combination of Hathaway and Gyllenhaal - especially on the dialogue level - happened to sound: It wants to keep Edward Zwick (director and one of three writers) do not succeed completely, the balance on the above cable. The Themensprektrum professional ambition in pharma lobbying superimposed on the occasional relatively ParkinsonDerfall .
With a happy ending to a dramatic course was the only consolidates.
Despite these on the package insert in the script from the start of pre-programmed as risks and side effects Love and Other Drugs a great film, the best in the world of ROMCOM with an unfortunately ultimately short-rated Drama -aspect.
To perfect the combination of Hathaway and Gyllenhaal - especially on the dialogue level - happened to sound: It wants to keep Edward Zwick (director and one of three writers) do not succeed completely, the balance on the above cable. The Themensprektrum professional ambition in pharma lobbying superimposed on the occasional relatively ParkinsonDerfall .
With a happy ending to a dramatic course was the only consolidates.
Despite these on the package insert in the script from the start of pre-programmed as risks and side effects Love and Other Drugs a great film, the best in the world of ROMCOM with an unfortunately ultimately short-rated Drama -aspect.
CINEtologisches honorary member says:
My dream girl ...
A love letter to Anne Hathaway!
6 stars
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Mrs. Flink value : 7 / 10
Jones Movie : "In: 7 / 10
CineKie : 7 / 10
fi lmtogo has made all the mistakes which the filmmakers, it seems that only the actor Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway their appearance without any harm to get it over with. The two figures are dissatisfied with themselves, and to go about this in various ways try to live through the act in the best possible way, and the audience now and then move into a smile. Otherwise, 'Love and Other Drugs' but a collection of ideas that are presented immature "
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Brazilian Bikini Wax Uncensored
criticism: Morning Glory (01/13/2011)
overall impression.
dialogues ;
camera / Optics
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
One half of your audience has only lost the remote control - and the other half is waiting, the nurse she turns in bed!
CINEtologischer dignitaries First Rank says:
CINEtologisches honorary member says:
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
overall impression.
dialogues ;
camera / Optics
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
One half of your audience has only lost the remote control - and the other half is waiting, the nurse she turns in bed!
doing especially after the closing, a bit Morning Glory - and no, I do not mean Ololiuqui and the contained drug LSA [lysergic acid amide], which is chemically relatives with LSD - with Rachel McAdams all good. Always close to the overwrought woman, but yet so very likeable. In addition, there Joss Stone in the soundtrack and a Harrison Ford in a terrific role as vice set antipathy lessees Mike Pomeroy with dialogues to kneel down and already the founder CINEtologe feel in the cinema lifted magnificently.
This feel-good movie indulges in neither technical nor camera script full page Patzer, but it also lacks the last ounce of ingenuity and dramatic finesse. From me there's still a great praise to the director Roger Michell , in my eyes the breakfast television kinosa (a) l (on) has been able .
This feel-good movie indulges in neither technical nor camera script full page Patzer, but it also lacks the last ounce of ingenuity and dramatic finesse. From me there's still a great praise to the director Roger Michell , in my eyes the breakfast television kinosa (a) l (on) has been able .
CINEtologischer dignitaries First Rank says:
The sweetest temptation since breakfast TV!
6 stars
CINEtologisches honorary member says:
who dreams the American dream for too long missed the best!
6 stars
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Film Journalists : "This film seems to me, as did the same incipient Love and Other Drugs more memory of a film industry to be that once the minds move could, now busy place after the old formula for success, and although technically very accomplished and perfect and smooth production continues and thanks to the existing, inflexible distribution channels her sales territory and may deter consumers for two hours of what better to do or maybe what more stupid. "
already seen : 7 / 10
Movie Jones : 6 / 10
film Go : " , Morning Glory 'is a charming little comedy [, ] that never stops. With Harrison Ford as a sulky, snapped News Grandpa and Rachel McAdams as a result Dauerquasselstrippe, Morning Glory 'a recommended comedy, not only for Indy and Han Solo fans. "
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