Overall impression:
camera / lens
CINEtologisches Conclusion:
What does "Ali" mean? -
for Alice. -
Well, welcome to Wonderland!
Who seriously expects that Christina María Aguilera in her acting debut as Marilyn Alice 'Ali' Rose off the cuff without non-stylistic Over Acting can get along and the critics the world would freeze in amazement ... has - to say the least - can get a certain childish naivete. It again seems season for the golden raspberries to have begun, but when I do not want to be understood as harvest workers.
Yes, I saw, in fact a stretched to 118 minutes, a to dry as the aging legs contrived dramatic in the final sprint as on the hairpieces so next story extended music video by Mrs. Aguilera in which a good, above all, a very female figure next to a - to me acting much weaker - Cherilyn "Cher" Sarkisian made. The
from me since the first trailer for representational hopes raised Stanley Tucci will rescue his anchor position to shoot in my eyes completely fair and saves me over the sometimes long acting dry spells of the film.
from me since the first trailer for representational hopes raised Stanley Tucci will rescue his anchor position to shoot in my eyes completely fair and saves me over the sometimes long acting dry spells of the film.
with open eyes for the most part minimal clothed female body shapes, a voice for large - albeit play (ge) back (te) - can vote and a possible, not very alert mind the Burlesque Show-operate quite the entertainment aspect of cinema.
voices from the Blog Coop osphäre :
Filmjounalisten : "recapitulation of a variant of the American dream: creating girl from the provinces to the dance music scene in LA Burlesque, has their breakthrough, and even the theater can save it from collapse [... It] is questionable whether one of these, presented here also distanzlos-naive American dream may still believe "Jones movie..: 6 / 10
NEGATIVE : "Even if with Burlesque not a milestone of the genre was created, he has yet featured entertainment "film Go : . This is not about originality, it is about Christina Aguilera for cinema to stage. The audience will guess in the opening minutes, as making the journey of the protagonist is "CineKie . 4 / 10
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