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Why the universe is not a mail order catalog

wishful thinking: why the universe is not a mail order catalog

What does it mean when with Bärbel Mohr one of the most famous protagonists of Orders to the universe " dies from burn-out and cancer? An isolated case? Or perhaps this philosophy is just a terrific hyped mistake that deserves a lot of money with the dreams of fortune seekers? What is it about the law of attraction? Because we have misunderstood something?

A death of a symbolic nature?

All they have known are unanimous: Bärbel Mohr was a lovable man with a wide open heart. They wanted to spread love and happiness in the world, help restore confidence that we can all live the life of our dreams. Show us that we all manifest our own reality. And then she died of cancer. And that raises questions: How does that work? Is not it all nonsense? And why Bärbel Mohr has concealed her illness to the public?
writes in his obituary of Spuren.ch Martin Frischknecht:
"Bärbel Mohr said nothing, because disease in their system is tantamount to failure. Are you sick? How to order you health Are! You still sick? If you have ordered wrong.
Since the propagandist such thinking with their own lives to einsteht that it works, it has to shine before men. [...] If the own doubts, our own failure, were small and larger defects visible to the public, it would be the [...] value of their own message into question and reveal the arrogance of the comprehensive claim, and that would be bad for sales. Did I say it, 'Orders in Universe ',' The Secret 'and all the many propaganda response to the law are inhuman? . However, "
A commentator for the same item shakes also the head of the " weird omnipotence fantasy, the shopping behind this philosophy lies " And concludes: ." Death is the greatest narcissistic injury, which we can learn, has Freud once said. Especially in view of the illusion that one can order everything just turns out to what is lacking universal shopping philosophy. Humility
So all the nonsense? belächelswerte attempt of the human ego to want to play God?

The Secret: Who wishes there?

fact, one must ask: Who wishes there? Those who want the super beach, the Ferrari and the hot tantric love relationship? Whose hunger is there really be satisfied? Is not this exactly what is mentioned in ancient spiritual traditions of the ego? Is it not another longing that we actually lies in the heart? Is it not the least, here is inflated with helium esoteric until we with a super-ego on the shoulders and a gold Rolex on his arm lurch through our herbeimanifestierten marble palace? Manipulate the reality that we would have gladly! Could ever happen to us as worse than that which would turn the whole thing and nothing but messed up egos just who-knows-what caused manifest?
I think: Yes and no. For me, well what is it about the whole thing. Only different from us that is sold. But I think we might need to dip a little deeper into the law of attraction and the realization that the external reality is only a mirror of the interior.

reality as a mirror

also true in my experience it: the external reality is a mirror of my interior. My living situation is in resonance with my consciousness. But I would not get the idea to try to manipulate them. The process is exactly the other way around for me!
I watch my life to see where my blocks, where I'm stuck, where I can grow. I am not trying to change the life, but to be free. Life, with all its situations, tasks and relationships for me is the mirror in which I look to see my true face.
It is for me not about to manipulate the reality until I was in a shiny plastic wonderland take bubble baths, but to grow internally. Life is my guru. visualize instead a Ferrari, I ask every day life. "Show me where I tense up even more, my heart leaving the presence lose Show me all the distortions that the clear expression of my soul are still in the way Show me where. I lie to me, show me where I'm inauthentic, to fall into old patterns. And show me my own inner beauty in all the wonderful things and the love that shows up in my life. "
I believe that if we let it brings us life in all these situations, again and again, invites us to be free and let the unconscious become conscious. The soul is here through the human experience and life in this world even to recognize it as pure awareness and express themselves through our gross and subtle bodies. And for this they are incarnated by the law of resonance, a life that offers us all the learning tasks that we need for our journey. I firmly believe that no second, nothing is random in my life.
The law of resonance and attraction really works, I've seen it thousands of times. Nevertheless, I also believe that all the gurus are wrong desire terrible. They are the desires of our souls the life forms - their dreams and learning tasks, not our greed. It is our heart, not our will.

humility is not my will, but thine be done.

I believe: human beings as the soul are divine beings. Our strength is far greater than anything we may think. We manifest as our soul actually lives every second - in the old traditions was called Karma. But our true freedom lies in the dedication.
If we are transparent as a person, so that the soul express themselves freely and without distortion through the body-mind , if we give our little ego-will this stream of energy, this dream of God, who wants to express through us - then shows the real miracle of human existence. And that has much more to letting go, acceptance, devotion and unconditional love to do than willing, wishing, manifesting and visualization.
So far all my heart's wishes have been fulfilled. Always. Very fast. And I've never visualizes something or ordered. Quite the contrary: Often my wishes came true in a way that I would not dream to think. Often they were veritable miracles. The spiritual world has told me repeatedly: "We will meet any need, the comes from the heart. Each. ! But do not try to dictate to us how "My desires I believe in gentle heart, feel the wonderful feelings and energy of this soul-dreams - then I let it go and trust in devotion, leaving everything open
The . better the "wish-you-what-books" have at least recognized part where there is much to the dissolution of old patterns, the removal of programming and trauma, forgiveness, gratitude and love - in short,.. to personal growth Real success is there to be an internally free man - and that's nice, but forget why we manifest that the not even then there is no greater? Happiness than to be a free man, and the rest follows automatically. What is this all? To understand why this philosophy has become so big, it's worth, I may be to take a look at the spiritual evolution of mankind.

The healthy ego - a step into the responsibility

I believe that we are on our way to first of all mentally healthy and become adults, before such a thing as complete can be done devotion to the presence in a healthy way. clean up the cellar master old traumas, behavior, transform us our shadow shall be fully and as a person, perhaps a level that a holistic spiritual awakening is beneficial.
In the chakra theory, this point is in the solar plexus chakra. And I think that this is the point at which we stand as humanity: We are going to grow up. From dormancy and the victim-consciousness of the past centuries, we now come to a new sense of responsibility and our individuality.
And at this point in our trip, was "The Secret" is in fact about the universe as ordered. For many aspects of spiritual wisdom, the majority of people hardly seems susceptible, but if a red Porsche is parked prominently in the field of view can be one or the other but then once on one, a book to read with spiritual ideas, or deal with his subconscious programming. A gateway drug, so to speak. And some have actually stopped, continued during only as a "poor me" wallowing in self-pity and to project his own crap on others and instead began to take over for thoughts, emotions, relationships and life responsibilities.
I think: The Secret and indeed the whole literature on personal growth and "Happiness" helps us in this time to do a very important step: from victims to responsible adult.
... but, unfortunately, exactly the opposite result.

over the top

For what absurd proportions adopted for the whole thing, and how much the truth contained was buried, sometimes could be a sad tune. Again it was the consumer mentality of our society simply projected into the metaphysical and had for many people, certainly an unfortunate effect. Instead of once a deep look throw in the reality of her life, was taken refuge in a wish-believe world in which it was tried, inferiority complexes to cover up, deep wounds and honest desire through positive affirmations and material success. The inevitable failure would have increased the personal crisis even more.
However, I believe that these theories is based on a spiritual truth. That response actually one of the fundamental laws of the universe - especially in our time. I have seen thousands of times, as has the external reality changed radically after internal openings within a very short time. As with the comprehension of certain learning tasks, some are situations (which went before a recurring theme in my life) simply did not appear again. As happened with small shifts in my heart wonders on the outside are. I still would never try to "bring about" such changes to my will.
And perhaps it is for many of us at the time to do already take the next step: from the healthy ego of the solar plexus to the heart. Of the mature personality to the dedication and trust to the higher self.

Author: David Rotter
Source: www.sein.de


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