"The best way to make his dreams come true is to wake up
(Diane Keaton)
"Better the smallest light light
than complain about the darkness."
than complain about the darkness."
(From China)
* "Whether you think you can do it or not -
you're always right"
( Maxwell Maltz )
* "Who will never take a risk,
is often the greatest risk one. "
(Bertrand Russell)
*" The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it was
and hoping the same time that something changes .
(Albert Einstein)
* "You can only be as good friends with other
as with itself"
(Andreas Tenzer )
* "Everything that is against nature,
In the long run can not last. "
(Charles Darwin )
" The most dangerous of all world views
the belief of the people
is what the world have not looked at. "
(Alexander von Humboldt )
* "What does it profit us to travel to the moon,
if we fail to overcome the gulf that separates us from
(Sogyal Rinpoche)
"Hope is not the conviction that something
out well but the certainty that something makes sense,
no matter the outcome."
(Vaclav Havel )
* "You can teach anybody anything,
we can only help
to find it in themselves."
(Galileo Galilei)
"miracles are not contrary to nature,
but only in contrast to what we
know about nature. "
(St. Augustine )
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